src/Platform/SecurityBundle/Resources/views/Dashboard/Profile/view.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends '@ui/dashboards/system.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block header %}
  3.     {% include '@PlatformSecurity/Dashboard/Profile/includes/header.html.twig' %}
  4. {% endblock %}
  5. {% block content %}
  6.     {{ embed_title('My Account', 10) }}
  7.     <div class="row">
  8.         <div class="col-md-2">
  9.             {% include '@ui/common/images/avatar.html.twig' with {
  10.                 account: account,
  11.                 bigAvatar: true,
  12.                 center: true
  13.             } %}
  14.             <br />
  15.             {% include '@ui/common/buttons/default.html.twig' with {
  16.                 text: 'Update Avatar',
  17.                 link: path(routes.avatar),
  18.                 helper: 'primary',
  19.                 icon: 'avatar',
  20.                 block: true,
  21.             } %}
  22.         </div>
  23.         <div class="col-md-10">
  24.             {% embed '@ui/common/panels/default.html.twig' with {
  25.                 title: 'Profile',
  26.                 collapsible: false
  27.             } %}
  28.                 {% block body %}
  29.                     <dl class="dl-horizontal">
  30.                         <dt>Email</dt>
  31.                         <dd>{{ }}</dd>
  32.                         <dt>First Name</dt>
  33.                         <dd>{{ account.systemProfile.firstName }}</dd>
  34.                         <dt>Last Name</dt>
  35.                         <dd>{{ account.systemProfile.lastName }}</dd>
  36.                         <dt>Display Name</dt>
  37.                         <dd>{{ account.systemProfile.displayName }}</dd>
  38.                     </dl>
  39.                     <div class="pull-right">
  40.                         {% include '@ui/common/buttons/default.html.twig' with {
  41.                             text: 'Edit Details',
  42.                             link: path(routes.edit),
  43.                             helper: 'default',
  44.                             icon: 'pencil',
  45.                         } %}
  46.                         {% include '@ui/common/buttons/default.html.twig' with {
  47.                             text: 'Change Password',
  48.                             link: path(routes.change_password),
  49.                             helper: 'primary',
  50.                             icon: 'unlock-alt',
  51.                         } %}
  52.                     </div>
  53.                 {% endblock %}
  54.             {% endembed %}
  55. {#            {% if account.metadataSchools|length %}#}
  56. {#                {% embed '@ui/common/panels/default.html.twig' with {#}
  57. {#                    title: 'Schools',#}
  58. {#                    collapsible: false#}
  59. {#                } %}#}
  60. {#                    {% block body %}#}
  61. {#                        <ul>#}
  62. {#                            {% for school in account.metadataSchools %}#}
  63. {#                                <li>{{ school }}</li>#}
  64. {#                            {% endfor %}#}
  65. {#                        </ul>#}
  66. {#                    {% endblock %}#}
  67. {#                {% endembed %}#}
  68. {#            {% endif %}#}
  69.         </div>
  70.     </div>
  71. {% endblock %}